Strategic Reflection: The Power of Clarity Breaks


In this video, Kerry introduces the concept of a clarity break, emphasising its importance for personal productivity and effective business management. Kerry encourages viewers to refer to page 13 in the toolkit for details on clarity breaks. Despite initial reservations from some clients, Kerry asserts that clarity breaks are incredibly productive for working on one’s business. The break prompts individuals to ponder critical questions related to their business or department’s vision, goal prioritisation, team alignment, and contingency planning for key roles. Kerry acknowledges the challenge of taking a clarity break but underscores its strategic value in focusing on the business’s strategic aspects, different from a traditional holiday.


The next thing we want to talk about is having a clarity break. Now, when I first talk about this to some of my clients, everybody shakes their head and says, oh, no, I can’t do that, I haven’t got time for that.

But I assure you, this is going to be the most productive thing that you can possibly do for yourself personally because it is about working on your business. It’s about sitting in the moment and asking the questions such as “Is the vision and the plan for the business on track?”, “am I focusing on the most important things?”, “do I have the right people in the right seats to grow?”, “what’s the one thing I need to do to make this quarter?”…

These are the sorts of questions that you can really ponder on when you’re having a clarity break.  I know it’s hard sometimes to be able to just do that, I find it difficult myself but it is about giving yourself permission to actually take the time out to really focus and work on the business, which is very different to actually having a holiday and letting go that way. This is very much a strategy that will grow your business.

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