Balancing Act: The Equation of Leadership and Management for Accountability


In this video, Kerry recalls the equation that leadership plus management equals accountability. Kerry emphasises that management is not about controlling someone but providing the necessary support. Drawing inspiration from Jim Collins’ “Good to Great,” Kerry asserts that the need for heavy management signals a potential hiring mistake.

The video further outlines the five crucial management practices: keeping expectations clear, effective communication, maintaining a suitable meeting pulse (including Level 10 meetings in EOS), engaging in quarterly conversations and implementing a robust system for rewarding and recognising achievements.


Remember the equation leadership plus management equals accountability, it is all about the idea that you can’t actually manage somebody because management’s not what you do to them, it’s what you provide for them.

Jim Collins talks about this in ‘Good to Great,’ and the moment you feel like you have to manage somebody means you’ve made a hiring mistake.

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