Setting the Bar: Aligning Core Values with Performance


In this video, Kerry introduces the concept of setting a performance bar based on core values to ensure alignment within the team. The discussion revolves around determining the minimum acceptable performance for team members in relation to core values. Kerry uses the example of a five-core value system, exploring whether a combination of three pluses and two plus-minuses serves as the performance bar.

The People Analyser tool is then extended to include this performance bar, exemplified by the assessment of Sally, John Smith, and George in the provided slide. The importance of deciding whether core values are negotiable or non-negotiable is emphasised, with a focus on scoring employees based on their performance. The ultimate goal is to have the right people in the right seats within the organisation.


The next thing that we add is what’s called the bar. So based on your core values, what’s the minimum that you would actually accept for your people?

If you’ve got five core values, is it going to be three pluses and two plus-minuses? So, for instance, is honesty in this example now on the slide where you see Sally’s got five pluses, John Smith got five negatives across minuses across all of the values. And George got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 plus-minuses but the bar to have someone as the right person is to have them be two plus-minuses and three pluses.

So, you look at what you have and can decide whether or not your values are negotiable or not. In which case if they’re not negotiable, they have to have a plus, and you score each employee how they perform. And once you know you have the right people, it’s really important then to make sure that you have them in the right seat.

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