Unveiling the Melbourne Network Group Event: A Speaker’s Perspective


I’m thrilled to share my recent experience at the Melbourne Network Group’s latest event, where I had the incredible opportunity to take the stage as a speaker. The event, which took place last Wednesday, brought together a dynamic group of 23 individuals for a networking lunch that was nothing short of inspiring.

The heart of the event was my talk titled ‘Exit is a Four-Letter Word!’, a subject that resonated deeply with the audience. My presentation emphasised the crucial role of having an exit plan as an integral part of any comprehensive business strategy. The engagement and discussions that followed were a testament to the significance of this topic in the business world.

One highlight of the event was the chance to give back to the attendees. Each person left with not one but two of my books.

The warmth and enthusiasm from the audience truly made this experience memorable. I’m deeply grateful for the reception and the opportunity to impart valuable knowledge. The positive feedback and kind words have reaffirmed the importance of sharing expertise with the community.

I must extend a heartfelt thank you to the MCPNG Brains Trust (insert website link) – Wayne Banks-Smith, Campbell MacKintosh, Simon Madden, and James Nixon – for orchestrating this event. It’s through the efforts of dedicated individuals like them that events like these become possible, fostering growth, connection, and learning within the community.

My time at the Melbourne Network Group event was an enriching one. The engagement, discussions, and connections made during the event were a true testament to the power of networking and knowledge-sharing. I look forward to more opportunities to contribute and engage with this dynamic community in the future.

Stay tuned for more insights and updates, and remember, your business plan should never be without an exit strategy.

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