Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal?
Does Your Business Have Curb Appeal? Let’s say you’re in the market for buying a house and you go to view one that looks appealing in the ad. How does it look on the inside? The outside? What about the location? What is your general impression? Like your house, your...
Complexity Kills Companies
Complexity Kills Companies Think about your business and the companies you’ve worked with. How often was the process more difficult than needed or so complicated that some support services simply couldn’t enable customer delivery or profitability? I worked...
Anatomy Of A Successful Exit
Anatomy Of A Successful Exit Stephanie Breedlove started Breedlove & Associates in 1992 as a way to pay her nanny. The big payroll processors weren’t interested in dealing with one person’s wages and doing it themselves was complicated and time-consuming, too much...
8 Ways To Know If You Have A Job Or Own A Business
8 Ways To Know If You Have A Job Or Own A Business The ultimate test of your business can be found in a simple question: would someone want to buy your company? Whether you want to sell next year or a decade from now, you must be building an asset someone would buy –...
How To Exit Your Business with Full Wealth and Value
How To Exit Your Business with Full Wealth and Value Just like a piece of real estate, a business is worth only what buyers will pay for it. When you’ve made the decision to exit your business, how do you ensure you’ll receive full wealth and value for something...
Business Blueprint Interview: How to Successfully Sell Your Business for the Best Possible Price, Part 3
Business Blueprint Interview: How to Successfully Sell Your Business for the Best Possible Price, Part 3 How Do You Value Your Business? Now, let’s talk about the valuation of the business. If you can benchmark your business against others in your industry, that will...
What Terms Should We Be Looking For?
What Terms Should We Be Looking For? There are so many variables, but the best case scenario is “Here is the cash”, then I am out of there. That is the least risk for you as the seller. But nine times out of ten that is not going to happen because a lot of the...
Between You And The Buyer, Who Should Name The Price?
Between You And The Buyer, Who Should Name The Price? In naming the price of your business, invite offers to start with. This will give you two things. Firstly, this gives you feedback, an understanding of what the perception might be out there as to what people think...
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