4KZ with Glenn Johns

4KZ with Glenn Johns

4KZ with Glenn Johns Retirement. Some people think it’s a misnomer. Some people think it’s a finish line. Some people think it’s a magical place and time where dreams turn into reality. The best way I can describe it is as the beginning. We may leave our jobs, but our...
The Realities of Retirement

The Realities of Retirement

The Realities of Retirement Millions of people around the world—whether business owners, corporate CEOs or assembly line workers—yearn for the day when they will retire. They save their money, make all sorts of plans, and even invest in additional properties, boats,...
7 Website Mistakes That Could Kill Your Business

7 Website Mistakes That Could Kill Your Business

7 Website Mistakes That Could Kill Your Business 7 Website Mistakes That Could Kill Your Business Websites are an important part of running a business. They are a means of attracting new customers and as a business owner they can make your life easier. You can use...
How Your Marketing Strategy Affects Your Exit Strategy

How Your Marketing Strategy Affects Your Exit Strategy

How Your Marketing Strategy Affects Your Exit Strategy It’s unfortunate, but marketers and small business owners rarely consider the terms “marketing plans” and “exit strategies” together in a sentence. On their own, each of these are talked about on a regular basis...
Kerry Boulton on Better Living Podcast

Kerry Boulton on Better Living Podcast

Kerry Boulton on Better Living Podcast Ed Phillips has everything you need to help you to live a healthy, happy life. Every weekday Ed talks to the best medical experts who love to answer your questions on the open line.  He also gets into the Talking Lifestyle...