A Complimentary Exit Strategy Blueprint Consultation
Discover How to Unlock the Hidden Wealth Inside Your Business
A Complimentary Exit Strategy Blueprint Consultation
Discover How to Unlock the Hidden Wealth Inside Your Business

Are you a Business Owner Who is Wondering What Your Business Is Worth?
If so, you are likely looking to build an exit plan that meets all your personal needs as well as monetise the wealth that is lying in your business.
Kerry Boulton, CEO and Founder of The Exit Strategy Group and NEXUS Business Coaching, is Australia’s most respected exit strategy advisor. With over 20 years in business as an entrepreneur, transformative coach, consultant, sought after speaker and talented facilitator, Kerry has been helping business owners like you to overcome challenges while providing the steps needed to ensure that you find the financial freedom you deserve.
Kerry’s mission is to educate business owners on how to create value in their businesses and prepare themselves for their next reinvention and phase of life – encompassing all that is involved in business readiness, personal readiness, and financial readiness.
Kerry wrote the book, “The Uncensored TRUTH About Exit Strategies” which details how to build a strong and successful exit plan – an absolute must if you want to get full value from any sale. She exposes and debunks many myths and provides practical advice. She walks you through what most people don’t know – or refuse to believe – about the process of planning their exit.
Are You Ready to Partner with a Team of Experts and Calculate Your Business’ worth?
Accurate valuations are essential – they are what you need to set a realistic exit strategy goal. If you value your business too low, you may be selling below market value and if you value it too high, this can lead to the loss of potential buyers.
“I couldn’t begin to tell you how much time I wasted thinking about how to work out what my business is worth, “says Graham, owner of an equipment leasing business in regional Victoria.
“With help from The Exit Strategy Group, I now know how much my business is worth, which makes many things easier.”
Small Business Valuation From the Experts
Right now, you can schedule a free consultation with The Exit Strategy Group. There is limited availability for this offer, so make an appointment today!
You can also request a free book written by strategy expert, Kerry Boulton. This book, titled “The Uncensored TRUTH About Exit Strategies,” contains answers to the 10 myths every business owner must know before creating their exit strategy.
Calculating the value of a business requires more than just looking at the net worth or a balance sheet. In the case of fixed assets, these are often written down by accountants at a lower depreciated value than their true worth. Many businesses are severely under-valued by their owners because they only look at the numbers and not anything else.
This is where the expertise of The Exit Strategy Group will help you to successfully move forward. They can provide you with the real value of your business and the personalized exit plan that you need to make sure you that you exit strategically and profitably.
Small Business Valuation Multiples
For example, the location of your business is incredibly important. You need to take into consideration the plans that may be going on by the local council or property developers – such as construction – which may affect the potential value of your business.
If someone were to build a luxury resort next door to your property, it may have a positive impact on trade, even if your business is a luxury resort. On the other hand, if a sewage treatment plant is constructed next door to your business, it may have a negative impact and especially if your business is a luxury resort.
It is very clear that numbers alone don’t give a complete picture and to be fully aware of the true value of your business, you need to have the whole picture. Without one, you may decide look to the past for answers, but as every investment brochure tells you – past performance is not necessarily indication of future performance.
Business Valuation – More Than Just Money
There are multiple variables involved, such as physical assets, intellectual property, goodwill, and many others. A proper professional evaluation will thoroughly examine all the criteria from an expert point of view. This is what will give you a clear picture so that you are able to make the right decisions about your personal exit strategy.
Having built a valuable company gives you leverage. If you do decide to sell, then you will know how you can position your business, so you get the best possible price and even more importantly, the right terms for you.
Are You Ready For the Future?
Book your free consultation and discover the real value of your business and expert exit advice. She can also discuss having multiple exit strategies in order to cover multiple scenarios because as you well know, circumstances can change in the blink of an eye. Knowing in advance how to respond to each change of circumstance is not only empowering, but also crucial to your financial future.
The Exit Strategy Group is Ready to Help
If you are ready to…
- Obtain an accurate evaluation of what your business is worth
- Strategically plan your exit strategy covering all scenarios
- Overcome multiple challenges and learn the steps to ensure financial freedom
- Learn the answers to myths that are critical to creating a successful exit plan
- Have the confidence of knowing how to react to unforeseen changes affecting your exit
Then simply book a free consultation with Kerry Boulton and she can assist you with…calculating what your business is worth, business succession planning, selling a small business and transition planning. Let her expertise guide you down the path to a successful exit, financial freedom, and a bright future. She is here for you!